Folding Metal

It was very nice to arrive back at Hereford after a fantastic trip to Paris to then be able to go straight to my laptop to find out that I received 80 on my most recent project on folds in metal.
IMG_3949This project was about exploring a technique or process, to become an expert in it and push the boundaries. I chose folds in metal due to this project starting half way through the gallery one, by that point I knew folds were going to be involved so one project could inform the other. This helped a lot in the creation of my ‘corridors’.IMG_3946To start my investigation I had to research and test out simple techniques of scoring and folding metal. These first three images show a square of copper I scored be hand using a scribe and needle files. This was the most time-consuming process, however, it was also the one that produced the best sharply angled fold.IMG_3944To produce the fold in this square of brass I used the planish scoring technique, hitting the metal with a hammer against the sharp edge of a steel block. This produced a similar fold to the hand scoring technique, yet it was much quicker. However, it was harder to control and marked the metal slightly. A very crisp edge is needed!IMG_4218After initial tests I used the wire scoring technique, shown in the final two images, to experiment more playfully. This technique does not produce as sharp edges, however, it is fairly quick and very good for creating curved folds.IMG_4251IMG_4158A lot has happened this past week; visiting Paris for a few days, receiving my result for Advanced Processes, celebrating my 21st birthday and doing my first day of volunteering at Mission Gallery. Crazy!


Just two days ago I was moving out of my student house in Hereford. It’s hard to believe my first year has finished!

Since returning home I have received a letter confirming my results. For my final project, the work below, I received 80! A very good 1st.
Obviously I am very pleased with my result but, although the project itself was very successful, I will admit I was a little disappointed that the actual final necklace wasn’t completely successful. You can see this below.
Having said that I still think elements of it are very effective and the initial design very clever.

My overall mark for the whole year is 1st. Yay!

Fluxing Metal

I am currently enjoying my Easter holiday. Tomorrow I will be off to Middlesbrough and then Scotland on Thursday therefore I will probably not be posting much for the next 2 weeks.

However, here are the last metal samples I made on the first part of the 50 Words 50 Images project, for which I got another 1st! Woohoo!
To create these pieces I soldered together geometrical shapes of copper and brass. To create the surfaces I painted the metal with flux and then heated them with a torch – this caused the beautiful colours and unpredictable patterns.
I am hoping that for the next part of the 50 Words 50 Images project I will be able to develop these designs and techniques into more 3D piece which could perhaps be worn as jewellery. So far these could make rather nice brooches!

Hot Metal

Metal is definitely one of my favourite materials to play with!
Isn’t it amazing what you can do with it if you just apply enough heat and pressure.
These next three images are of two sample which I created simply by heating brass with a torch until the metal began to reticulate.DSCN9375DSCN9376DSCN9371

I have technically just finished this project however it actually leads straight on to the next one. In this last project I had to identify elements of my work, by producing samples, which I then intend to carry forth into my next project. Some of the elements I wish to continue working with can be seen in these next samples:

Triangles, layers and contrasting surfaces.
Folds, textures and warm colours:
Some other ideas I have been working with which i would like to develop in this next project are windows and combining materials – particularly metal and thread.

Textures and Triangles

I’ve recently been responding to my 50 words and 50 images mostly in 2D which is different for me but I’m really enjoying it. Soon I will be translating these into ideas and samples in 3D.

I started these investigations by drawing elements of some of the images I chose.DSCN9418I then started working with the word Windows.

I cut shapes out of paper to use as windows to reveal my drawings behind them.
DSCN9416DSCN9417I did more of these using photocopies of other experiments I have done on this project. I am particularly keen on working with textures and triangles.DSCN9411DSCN9412These last samples I have displayed on my own handmade paper which I made in a workshop near the beginning of this project.DSCN9422

50 Words, 50 Images

Wow! I’ve been busy!
I’ve had a presentation to do, an essay to write and a new project to start.

The new project is 50 words, 50 images. Basically it started by me choosing 50 or more images and words to inspire my work. The images can be anything: my own photos, found images or images of artists’ work.

I now have to respond to those words and images. Here are a few of my samples, using metal and stitch, which I did at the beginning of this project:DSCN9362DSCN9354DSCN9353

DSCN9356DSCN9355DSCN9359Here are 12 of my words which relate to these samples:
Vessel, Light, Shadow, Linear, Texture, Combine, Reflect, Warm, Geometric, Growth, Contrast, Windows.


Just a week or so before the Christmas holidays I started my first set project for Uni. The project is to make a spoon or series of spoons using the new skills we have learnt.

Here are some photos of the first two spoons I have made. I used the wire technique I experimented with earlier in the term as it was one of my favourite experimental pieces.

Copper wire spoon:
DSCN9149DSCN9156Brass wire ladle:DSCN9152DSCN9151I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!

Small Metals

So far I think my favorite workshop has been Small Metals. Obviously I’ve worked like this before when I went to Silversmithing classes but this time I had a chance to be more experimental.IMG_9187I am really pleased with the samples I produced in this workshop.IMG_9194IMG_9186I especially like this piece. I think it has the most potential to be developed into something further although it is incredibly delicate.IMG_9198IMG_9199IMG_9196IMG_9202

My Workspace

I have been a student at Hereford College of Arts for 6 weeks now (which makes me realise how little time I have spent on this blog recently) so I think it is about time I posted some photos of my workspace in the Uni.
IMG_9238As you can see I have decorated the walls with postcards and business cards from artists who inspire me and also some of my own work.IMG_9239IMG_9240IMG_9241I also have my experimental work from our workshop introductions. So far I have done mark making, paper construction, ceramics, plastics, small metals, textiles and wood.IMG_9242IMG_9243IMG_9245IMG_9244I am pleased to say I am really enjoying my course so far.