
The rest of my crystal resin pieces finally set! Too late to be made into jewellery and photographed on the model but not too late for the exhibition!IMG_7833IMG_7834IMG_7797IMG_7788These are sections of my edited images of the rust and Port Talbot Steel Works printed on acetate and preserved in clear crystal resin:IMG_7794IMG_7828IMG_7784IMG_7824

Rusting Metal?

Are these made out of metal?
I have been developing my acetate work, making my work more about the rust again.
I wasn’t able to make my sculptures out of the actual metal very easily so I’ve been using my photos of the rust instead. I have printed the photos onto acetate and then stuck copper tape on the back giving it a gorgeous metallic look.IMG_7157IMG_7153IMG_7200IMG_7206IMG_7203

Sculptural Developments

My lecturer was very kind to give me a sheet of pewter to play with. It was very flexible so I was easily able to recreate my paper sculptures out of it.IMG_6937I’m really pleased with how I’ve developed my work but the problem with these sculptures is that they don’t always want to stand the right way up by themselves!IMG_6934IMG_6936I’ve also been playing with copper tape recently (yes, the kind you use to keep slugs away from your plants) and I had this idea of sticking it in strips onto cartridge paper and then making more paper sculptures out of it. I actually love the lines this created on the sculpture.IMG_6981IMG_6968Copper tape is actually really fun to make things with. Check out these sweet crumpled copper earrings I made a little while ago.IMG_6679