Rocky Patterns and Etched Brass

I’ve been very busy since returning from Scotland. So I am very sorry for taking so long to post again.

Whilst in Scotland I collected rocks which interested me and I have done drawings of the patterns in the rocks. I am hoping to use these patterns within the necklace design I have been working on (which I will show you in the next post).
I haven’t decided what material I am going to make my necklace out of yet however there are many ways in which I can apply these patterns. One way is to etch it onto metal.
I chose one of my drawings to etch. I repeated and flipped the pattern and printed it onto acetate to transfer it onto the metal which was then placed into acid. This etched the pattern into the metal. I chose brass because it looks good with wood which I am considering combining it with.
This was quite a large design so it hasn’t etched very deep. However it is still quite effective, especially when the light catches the pattern.

Fluxing Metal

I am currently enjoying my Easter holiday. Tomorrow I will be off to Middlesbrough and then Scotland on Thursday therefore I will probably not be posting much for the next 2 weeks.

However, here are the last metal samples I made on the first part of the 50 Words 50 Images project, for which I got another 1st! Woohoo!
To create these pieces I soldered together geometrical shapes of copper and brass. To create the surfaces I painted the metal with flux and then heated them with a torch – this caused the beautiful colours and unpredictable patterns.
I am hoping that for the next part of the 50 Words 50 Images project I will be able to develop these designs and techniques into more 3D piece which could perhaps be worn as jewellery. So far these could make rather nice brooches!

Hot Metal

Metal is definitely one of my favourite materials to play with!
Isn’t it amazing what you can do with it if you just apply enough heat and pressure.
These next three images are of two sample which I created simply by heating brass with a torch until the metal began to reticulate.DSCN9375DSCN9376DSCN9371

I have technically just finished this project however it actually leads straight on to the next one. In this last project I had to identify elements of my work, by producing samples, which I then intend to carry forth into my next project. Some of the elements I wish to continue working with can be seen in these next samples:

Triangles, layers and contrasting surfaces.
Folds, textures and warm colours:
Some other ideas I have been working with which i would like to develop in this next project are windows and combining materials – particularly metal and thread.

Small Metals

So far I think my favorite workshop has been Small Metals. Obviously I’ve worked like this before when I went to Silversmithing classes but this time I had a chance to be more experimental.IMG_9187I am really pleased with the samples I produced in this workshop.IMG_9194IMG_9186I especially like this piece. I think it has the most potential to be developed into something further although it is incredibly delicate.IMG_9198IMG_9199IMG_9196IMG_9202

Industrial Shapes

I’ve been meaning to post these for ages!!
I’d have liked to have taken better photos but I’d never put up photos if I stuck to that.

These are stackable rings I made for my last project on my Silversmithing course.
I did them as part of my final Foundation Art project – Industrial and Urban Landscapes.
They are based on the shapes of the industrial buildings and machinery at Port Talbot Steel Works.

Megan Davies – Time Flies

MayfliesExhibition fly“Time itself in the form of a watch has allowed these mayflies to live on without ageing. This, combined with the mould they are attracted to, gives a sense that time has stood still within this scene.” – Megan DaviesMaayyyflyThis is the last of all the students work at the Gower College Foundation Art exhibition and in my opinion it is one of the best.
These fantastic mayflies made out of watch parts were made by Megan Davies. Mayflyssss259293_557804694283929_1062272713_oMegan originally saw herself as a Fine Artist, specifically a painter, but during this course she experimented in many different areas: sculpture, ceramics, craft, photography.. etc. She has also done a lot of modelling!1014727_557806460950419_357040232_oMegan is now going on to do the BA (Hons) Art & Design Multi-Disciplinary course at Coleg Sir Gar.MayliesssTo see more of Megan’s work visit her Facebook page and her blogs here and here.


I got my results on Monday…..

I have a Distinction in Foundation Art and Design!!! YAY!

So freedom for three months and then off to Hereford!
Wow! I don’t know what I’m going to do! Haha

Anyway here are a few more students’ exhibition displays.
Those fashion designers need their fashion promoters and stylists…

Fashion Promoter – Joanne GriffithsIMG_8058 IMG_8059

Fashion Promoter – Charlotte BellhamIMG_8043IMG_8044

Fashion Stylist – Danielle BaskervilleIMG_8103


Last night, the private view of the exhibition, went great! The turn out was really good and everyone’s work looked fantastic!
I’m so pleased with mine, this is my display:IMG_8092And here are some of the photos of my final jewellery pieces:IMG_7514-EditIMG_7535-EditIMG_7529-EditDSC_0376DSC_0417-EditIMG_7590I even went to the exhibition wearing this piece!DSC_0426-Edit(Model: Sarah Jenkins and Studio Assistant and Supporting Photographer: Andrew James Rees)


I am relieved to tell you my exhibition display is up!
Today has been a busy day but the exhibition is pretty much ready so it was totally worth it. Everyone’s work looked fantastic!

I am also pleased to say that a photo of my petri dishes, from a previous project, was chosen to be used in one of the posters for the exhibition.964374_10151504389054440_15774574_oThese are the other posters, with images of other students work.966803_10151504395279440_485310552_o978020_10151504376294440_1983701210_o981329_10151504381144440_1842727004_oThe exhibition is at the Grand Theatre in Swansea and will be open for anyone to see from tomorrow until Monday. The Private view is on Thursday at 6:30. Feel free to come  and see the work.