Sculptural Developments

My lecturer was very kind to give me a sheet of pewter to play with. It was very flexible so I was easily able to recreate my paper sculptures out of it.IMG_6937I’m really pleased with how I’ve developed my work but the problem with these sculptures is that they don’t always want to stand the right way up by themselves!IMG_6934IMG_6936I’ve also been playing with copper tape recently (yes, the kind you use to keep slugs away from your plants) and I had this idea of sticking it in strips onto cartridge paper and then making more paper sculptures out of it. I actually love the lines this created on the sculpture.IMG_6981IMG_6968Copper tape is actually really fun to make things with. Check out these sweet crumpled copper earrings I made a little while ago.IMG_6679

Playing with Paper

Today I have been playing with paper. I’ve been making little paper sculptures based on the shapes within the electricity pylons and the structures I saw at Port Talbot steel works. I have also been influenced by my mother’s ceramics – Julie Brunskill.

These are just rough pieces – they look a lot more interesting in these photos than they actually are – but hopefully I will be doing more with the designs over the next week or two.


Electric Illustrations

If you follow my photography blog you will already know I’ve recently been taking lots of photos of electricity pylons. I have just started my final project for my Foundation Art course for which I have chosen the theme Industrial and Urban Landscapes.

I am interested in looking at the industrial architecture, decay of abandoned buildings and machinery and how the urban aspects combine with nature.

My interest in this subject started with electricity pylons. I have always been fascinated by them. When travelling to see family I look out of the car window watching the pylons “walk” across the land, their wires a network connecting each place to the next.

Today I was really pleased with these collage fashion illustrations I did using cut up pieces of one of my photographs of a pylon. A big inspiration for these was Serdar Bozok’s beautiful collection “Power Pylon“.

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This is the result of one of the ceramic pieces you saw, in the process of being made, in my last post. It was meant to be a large bowl filled with words but, as with many things in life, it simply did not work the way it was meant to. Having said that I am still pleased with how it turned out. In a way the fragile broken pieces were a more appropriate representation of the nature of dyslexia.DSC_0930DSC_0931DSC_0934DSC_0935DSC_0929


I still haven’t decided where I’m going for Uni – just to keep you up to date.

Anyway, I have recently been working on a project called Deconstruct – Reconstruct. I chose to look at the deconstruction and reconstruction of words, specifically the nature of dyslexia. Here are some experiments I have done in ceramics.DSC_0669DSC_0664 DSC_0662DSC_0685DSC_0686

…and now for the hard part!

Ok, so I have neglected my blogs a bit but…. all my interviews are finally over!! All of them offered me places and I had great reactions to my portfolio. So pleased!

But now for the hard part! Haha I bet you are thinking “wasn’t that the hard part?” but no. No the hard part is making a decision. And I’m completely torn!
Oh, I hate decision-making!

Well, anyway, I finally finished my Spaces project. After looking at the air from a scientific point of view I came up with the idea of petri dishes. I ended up looking at what else is in the space around us – bacteria, dust and other microscopic things.

I have created a collection of petri dishes with all different materials (though mostly PVA glue!) filling them as my own representations of what fills space.


Two down three to go

I had my second interview on the 20th. I was told it could be up to two weeks before I found out what they had decided but yesterday I had a fantastic surprise just before I went to bed. I have just received my second offer!

So anyway here are a couple of photos of a molecular hand harness I made for my Spaces project. I had moved onto a more scientific approach to what is in the space around us. This was inspired by Raven Hanna’s Made with Molecules.




One down four to go!

I had my first University interview on Thursday. Wasn’t sure how it had gone but I got a place (yay!) so it couldn’t have been that bad. So glad it’s over, I was so nervous and stressed!

I put some of my current project in my portfolio so here are some more images of my paper dress.


I have also recently been looking at the artist Tara Donovan. I was particularly taken with her work with drinking straws so I took these photos.
IMG_6082IMG_6087IMG_6078I then took this further by making the negative space, combining the work of Tara Donovan and Rachel Whiteread. I put some clay at the bottom of a tube and pushed the straws into it. I then poured plaster into the tube, filling the space around the straws. When it was dry I took the plaster out and pulled out the straws. These are a couple of photos I took through the piece.IMG_6071 IMG_6072


It’s taken me a while to post any of my work for this project because I have been concentrating on my portfolio. I have been offered interviews for all the Universities I have applied at! So nervous!!!

Anyway here are a couple of ideas I have been working on for this Space project. This first piece was done by poring ink into a bottle of bubbles and then blowing them repeatedly onto paper. I love the effect this creates. It reminds me of atoms, which is another thing I am researching for this project; the atoms that are in the air that fills the space around us.
This second idea is a paper dress I designed as part of a task using only circles. This was really fun to do! Also really great because I thought of combining these two ideas by blowing more bubbles onto the dress. Get to be a little child again! Haha.
ETNA PLUSWill be posting more soon.