Going Rusty

If you follow my photography blog you may have already seen that I finally forced myself to make a decision on where to go to for Uni.

I’m going to Hereford!
Yes, later this year I will be on the Contemporary Applied Arts course there.

You may have also seen my photos of rust which I am using in my current project.
Here is a development of my earlier pylon fashion illustrations:

Sculptural Developments

My lecturer was very kind to give me a sheet of pewter to play with. It was very flexible so I was easily able to recreate my paper sculptures out of it.IMG_6937I’m really pleased with how I’ve developed my work but the problem with these sculptures is that they don’t always want to stand the right way up by themselves!IMG_6934IMG_6936I’ve also been playing with copper tape recently (yes, the kind you use to keep slugs away from your plants) and I had this idea of sticking it in strips onto cartridge paper and then making more paper sculptures out of it. I actually love the lines this created on the sculpture.IMG_6981IMG_6968Copper tape is actually really fun to make things with. Check out these sweet crumpled copper earrings I made a little while ago.IMG_6679

Playing with Paper

Today I have been playing with paper. I’ve been making little paper sculptures based on the shapes within the electricity pylons and the structures I saw at Port Talbot steel works. I have also been influenced by my mother’s ceramics – Julie Brunskill.

These are just rough pieces – they look a lot more interesting in these photos than they actually are – but hopefully I will be doing more with the designs over the next week or two.



One down four to go!

I had my first University interview on Thursday. Wasn’t sure how it had gone but I got a place (yay!) so it couldn’t have been that bad. So glad it’s over, I was so nervous and stressed!

I put some of my current project in my portfolio so here are some more images of my paper dress.


I have also recently been looking at the artist Tara Donovan. I was particularly taken with her work with drinking straws so I took these photos.
IMG_6082IMG_6087IMG_6078I then took this further by making the negative space, combining the work of Tara Donovan and Rachel Whiteread. I put some clay at the bottom of a tube and pushed the straws into it. I then poured plaster into the tube, filling the space around the straws. When it was dry I took the plaster out and pulled out the straws. These are a couple of photos I took through the piece.IMG_6071 IMG_6072


It’s taken me a while to post any of my work for this project because I have been concentrating on my portfolio. I have been offered interviews for all the Universities I have applied at! So nervous!!!

Anyway here are a couple of ideas I have been working on for this Space project. This first piece was done by poring ink into a bottle of bubbles and then blowing them repeatedly onto paper. I love the effect this creates. It reminds me of atoms, which is another thing I am researching for this project; the atoms that are in the air that fills the space around us.
This second idea is a paper dress I designed as part of a task using only circles. This was really fun to do! Also really great because I thought of combining these two ideas by blowing more bubbles onto the dress. Get to be a little child again! Haha.
ETNA PLUSWill be posting more soon.