I have drawn three different trees in three different medias.
I have used pencil, charcoal and ink to capture different characteristics of the trees (the trees were not completely bare of leaves I just find the branches much more interesting).
Pencil shows the complexity of the branches,Charcoal emphasises the texture of the bark
and using ink was a fantastic way to capture how the tree has grown due to the wind.
I love them all!
Thank you 🙂
From: Hannah Duncan Creations very interesting Hannah they remind me of the trees at Carrick xxx jgSent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 12:00 PM To: jeaniduncan@hotmail.com Subject: [New post] Trees
hannahduncan posted: “I have drawn three different trees in three different medias. I have used pencil, charcoal and ink to capture different characteristics of the trees (the trees were not completely bare of leaves I just find the branches much more interesting). Penci”
Yes I thought that too 🙂 thanks xx
It seems that in your hands, all three are fantastic ways to capture these trees!
😀 thank you!