Paper Spoons

My first post of 2014! Sorry I took my time.
These are some paper spoons I made a while ago.

This first one I wove and glued so that it curved.
IMG_9328After this I decided to focus more on the handles as I felt for me there were more possibilities for this. I used ideas from my previous paper and plastics experimentations with a combined geometrical flower/leaf theme.IMG_9334IMG_9346IMG_9325IMG_9330IMG_9350This week I am hoping to develop these designs into plastic.


Just a week or so before the Christmas holidays I started my first set project for Uni. The project is to make a spoon or series of spoons using the new skills we have learnt.

Here are some photos of the first two spoons I have made. I used the wire technique I experimented with earlier in the term as it was one of my favourite experimental pieces.

Copper wire spoon:
DSCN9149DSCN9156Brass wire ladle:DSCN9152DSCN9151I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!

Small Metals

So far I think my favorite workshop has been Small Metals. Obviously I’ve worked like this before when I went to Silversmithing classes but this time I had a chance to be more experimental.IMG_9187I am really pleased with the samples I produced in this workshop.IMG_9194IMG_9186I especially like this piece. I think it has the most potential to be developed into something further although it is incredibly delicate.IMG_9198IMG_9199IMG_9196IMG_9202

Paper and Plastic

Here is a closer look at some of my favourite experiments I have done in paper and plastic.DSCN8316DSCN8319DSCN8317As you can see I like geometric shapes. I have experimented with combining this with natural forms which interest me.DSCN8313DSCN8330I have then developed this geometric flower from paper to plastic. The effect is completely different!DSCN8398DSCN8397DSCN8399

My Workspace

I have been a student at Hereford College of Arts for 6 weeks now (which makes me realise how little time I have spent on this blog recently) so I think it is about time I posted some photos of my workspace in the Uni.
IMG_9238As you can see I have decorated the walls with postcards and business cards from artists who inspire me and also some of my own work.IMG_9239IMG_9240IMG_9241I also have my experimental work from our workshop introductions. So far I have done mark making, paper construction, ceramics, plastics, small metals, textiles and wood.IMG_9242IMG_9243IMG_9245IMG_9244I am pleased to say I am really enjoying my course so far.

Spicy Art

I’ve been in University for two weeks now!
Freshers week was good fun and I’ve had a decent week of the actual course.
Even went on a trip to the Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair in Manchester on Friday!
Anyway, more about that in another post.

Last week we were given a task to draw something boring but make it interesting.
As a student I have now had to start cooking for myself (scary!) and this give me the idea of drawing a pan. I then thought of a clever way of making the drawing interesting – painting it with spices!

This is actually something I have been wanting to do for ages and this seemed like the perfect opportunity!
I drew this pan in ink and then painted it with paprika. I then finished it with a sprinkling of cinnamon and mixed herbs.

Smells fantastic!

Carew Castle

Induction day is tomorrow!! Getting nervous! I’m excited too though.

Anyway, moving back into the house in Hereford and meeting another of my housemates has distracted me from doing any more posts, so I’m finally posting these drawings I did a while back of Carew Castle.
Carew CastleCarew Castle 2Carew Castle 3