I decided not to use the optical illusion work as I prefer the subtlety of the previous work. However, I was still not sure exactly what I was making, at the time they were just art objects. I questioned myself on whether they needed to be something more. To work out if these little corridors could become jewellery I tried out some of my favourite paper pieces on chains as necklaces.The small ones are quite sweet, they could make interesting beads.I tried playing around with the positioning of the paper corridors on the chain, looking at how they might sit on the body. I felt that some of the pieces were a bit to large to be worn this way, they didn’t look quite right. Also, whilst they are in paper and therefore quite light, if I was to translate them into metal they may be a bit too heavy to be comfortable to wear. This one was particularly interesting with its steep curve and point. It works quite well as an asymmetrical neck piece. After doing this I definitely think that some of the smaller ‘corridors’ could work very well as metal neck pieces, however, I am still interested in making some of the larger ones into art objects which are meant to be held, looked at and looked through.
I think these would be fabulous as pendants – anodised aluminium perhaps?
Thank you!
I’ve not used anodised aluminium before but I would like to – could definitely suit these designs.
I don’t see why some of the larger ones, couldn’t be made as statement pieces, art jewellery or even brooches. I’ve had a similar dilemma as the pieces I’m making are based on architecture and can be quite long and big. After mixed opinions I decided to make the large pieces, and smaller daintier versions. I think some of the larger ‘corridors’ would definitely look great as brooches!
Thank you.
I have posted the ones I felt were most visually successful – it was others that I didn’t post here that I liked as objects but simply didn’t work as jewellery. Also part of the problem was more the weight of the material I was planning on using- in brass these designs would not be very suitable as either necklaces or brooches. However in paper I do rather agree with you and I am interested in developing these larger pieces in lighter materials.
Love these hannah, congrats on such lovely work…. I need to email you regarding some updates on your fern necklace….
Thank you very much!
Gosh I’m sorry I’d completely forgotten about that! Second year has been crazy!
Just email me any time and let me know what you need 🙂 I look forward to hearing from you.
Unique and lovely work, love it 🙂