One down four to go!
I had my first University interview on Thursday. Wasn’t sure how it had gone but I got a place (yay!) so it couldn’t have been that bad. So glad it’s over, I was so nervous and stressed!
I put some of my current project in my portfolio so here are some more images of my paper dress.
I have also recently been looking at the artist Tara Donovan. I was particularly taken with her work with drinking straws so I took these photos.
I then took this further by making the negative space, combining the work of Tara Donovan and Rachel Whiteread. I put some clay at the bottom of a tube and pushed the straws into it. I then poured plaster into the tube, filling the space around the straws. When it was dry I took the plaster out and pulled out the straws. These are a couple of photos I took through the piece.